May 14, 2021
Emotional Driving joins the United Nations “Streets for Life #Love30” commitment
Emotional Driving has joined the “Streets for Life #Love30” initiative, a United Nations call to individuals, companies and political bodies to limit speeds to 30 km/h (20mph) in areas where people and cars coexist and contribute to make streets healthy, environmentally friendly and suitable for coexistence.
Reducing speed on urban roads would help to reduce accident rates by 80%, although the initiative will also reduce noise pollution levels, especially in large cities, and environmental pollution.
This initiative is part of the Sixth United Nations Global Road Safety Week, which will take place between May 17 and 23. On the occasion of this celebration, the Guideline for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021 – 2030 will be presented in order to mark the path towards the achievement of the Health and Well-being goal 3.6, which calls for reducing by half the number of deaths and injuries caused by road crashes worldwide by 2030.
We encourage you to learn more about the company’s commitment on the Emotional Driving website.
#Love30 is closely linked to the increase in car journeys as we little by littlke get to normal overcoming COVID-19 pandemic.
We have made a great effort to flatten the COVID-19 curve and achieve the end of the state of alarm. Now we must maintain our commitment and responsibility to prevent further loss of life on the curve. On the curve of the road.
Discover the new Emotional Driving site: Flatten the Curve! In this interactive site you will find tips to increase your passive and active safety, you will have access to the new campaign video and you will be able to learn more about #Love30, among other contents.